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Ethnic Chinese's threating to the rumor

of the coffee beans import.


Ethnic Chinese's threating possiblity that purpose for still keep up to my land resource property:


Trying to a statement of lie that has been publish to sabotage the coffee beans import to USA from Central and South America country of origin by the United States Department of Commerce (agriculture and forestry, Ethnic Chinese, Gary Locke)) of the person in charge cooperating rumors with Starbucks coffiee of Seattle HQ, USA, and of China(Jian Faction shop owner in China) and Costa Coffee of England and of China (Jian Faction shop owner in China) was founded by Lloyd's of London in 1971.


Behind Crime bid-ringing by South America country and Ethnic Chinese of Japan and USA.


The following workarounds:

The sales and the cultivation by any seeds of the coffee beans in California blessed with climate and the land.


The Sino-Japanese woman bid-ringing and KObe Sino-Yakuza's conspiracy by threating me to keep to stealing my land property and murder with S.F peoples and Taiwanese (Yamaguchi-Gumi relatives) Yakuza.

Present the Ferarri car, heard on the S.F. rumors

(Copy car or not)

Threating to good leader of SFPD by blame the guilty that purpose to Sino-Japanese has try (Taiwanese) to disable for POLICE system in San Francisco, same as Sino-Japanese city of Kobe city.

Force Kidnapping

make to Cyborg and Android by Sino-Doctor group.

Many conspiracy had made with Taiwanese-Japanese and Korean-Japanese and US Sino Semiconducdors (Apple IBM HITACHI FUJITSU) for stealing my Shikoku land property.

Behind Bill Gates with SINO-Japanese Yakuza

(Soka Gakkai).

Story to crime work with

Bill Gates that happened to?

Guatemala, El Salvador,

Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica and Brasil with Sino-Japanese and Jian faction's crime bid-ringing for sabotage to export the COFFEE Beans for USA.

Trap Murder with

Taiwanese pedigree

in S.F. USA.


Ethnic Chinese's threating for COFFEE Beans:

Trying to a statement of lie that has been publish to sabotage the coffee beans import to USA from Central and South America country of origin by the United States Department of Commerce (agriculture and forestry, Ethnic Chinese, Gary Locke)) of the person in charge cooperating rumors with Starbucks coffiee of Seattle HQ, USA, and of China(Jian Faction shop owner in China) and Costa Coffee of England and of China (Jian Faction shop owner in China) was founded by Lloyd's of London in 1971.


Behind Crime bid-ringing by South America country and Ethnic Chinese of Japan and USA.


The following workarounds:

The sales and the cultivation by any seeds of the coffee beans in California blessed with climate and the land.

Should be increase the African Black pedigree of the worker of the coffee beans cultivationin in CA, USA that keep to safety of America by Sino-Japanese land resource aggression.



Related News of San Francisco, USA.

Protesters call for the firing of San Francisco Police Chief Greg Suhr during a police commission meeting at City Hall on Wednesday night over the death of Mario Woods. (Connor Hunt/ Special to S.F. Examiner)


By Jonah Owen Lamb on

December 9, 2015 8:16 pm

Cooperation Murder for me

USAGE of LIMESTONE (other name as MESS):

Lime stone has import to sabotage Mexican by local gangs that export from China, Behine Sino-Japanese (Taiwanese)Crime Bid-Ringing to China has controlling to Mexican Gangs with high Price, Usage mainly Drug, Iron, Concrete..

Sabotage to "MESS (line powder)"

import to

Maxico by Japan

Chinese iron trade fuels port clash with Mexican drug cartel:

Wed Jan 1, 2014 1:04pm EST


The Knights Templar cartel, steadily diversifying into other businesses, became so successful at exporting iron ore to China that the Mexican Navy in November had to move in and take over the port in Lazaro Cardenas, a city that has become one of the gang's main cash generators.

We should try to making the COFFEE Bean cultivation (plantation) at shootable land property by AFRICAN Black peoples in CA,USA.

It does not matter any Sino-Japanese in this business.


Using my property money after I returned back that in San Francisco,USA.

At Kobe city, Japan in Dec, 24th, 2015.

By the problem that two riot policemen in 20s years old the Hyogo Prefectural Police committed suicide, had made by Kobe Yakuza!?


Was a member of Hyogo police unit assassinated by harassment for the crime alliance from a yakuza by a yakuza or a Chinese immigrant doctor?


 By the problem that two riot policemen in 20s years old the Hyogo Prefectural Police committed suicide, the prefectural police summarized the in-house investigation result that there was not in the power harassment and the bullying for two.

A person concerned with prefectural police clarified it for coverage.

"I torment it" to the one death, a will attempting two riot policemen, suicide
 It was found that a male policeman (23) hanged itself in a room in a riot police single person dormitory of Suma-ku, Kobe-shi on September 28, 2015 and was confirmed dead on 29th, the following day.

The name of the boss, three seniors was mentioned for a will, and there was it "mentally with limits to shout it with harassment and the lie".

A male policeman (24) of the squad position same on October 6, 2015 hanged itself in a room and it became in serious condition and, in the same single person dormitory, died on 15th.
 The prefectural police receives the suicide of two people and carries out the hearing investigation for a total of 234 people of riot policemen.
While it is said that there was not the bullying about a cause of the suicide, the police other staff had say, "I cannot answer it without having possibilities to be related to privacy, and being able to identify it" about the concrete reason.

 On the other hand, the inside of the general manager attention took it action against movement captain (55) on 22nd saying that he lacked in thorough appropriate administration management of the organization.

That told the findings to two bereaved on 23rd. The prefectural police supervisor room says, "I work on the making of workplace where the ventilation is good brightly where it is easy to talk with toward prevention of recurrence" for coverage


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