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Jyodo-Shinshu, Korean-Japanese Burakumin's Characters.
Kyoto HQ.


They recently at the center of Kyoto (after 1999) neighboring countries of the ancient city (Kyoto, Japan, Beijing, China, Taiwan Tainan) are making aggression bid-rigging in the cooperation.
They are, many of the major event in the dense to the region of Japan of Burakumin (earthquake, fire, pathogen dispersal, remote brain attack) has caused the.

1. Policy to kill the people of have a property rights with organized the lie.
   (Purpose of deprivation of property)

   Case Study:
   a) My grandfather (elementary school vice principal) because of the blocking of assets transfer, possible were killed by Japanese ally in Daitowa war.
   b) the fact that the Korean soldiers to Vietnam soldiers in the Vietnam War was genocide.


2. Habit of attaching the brain device to a child.


   Case Study:
    a) Given the failure of the cranial nerve by the radiowace to children with disabilities, and pain in

        various parts of the body to assassinate was believed to disease is diagnosed in overseas Chinese

        doctor giving itching, since 1945, the objective is to stand in a bind, including the family for the

        property embezzled.


3. Ancestor of Jodo Shinshu (women and men) are Korean-beggar, is a thief, its modern

    version is Burakumin has using the beauty woman for connecting to Organized crime (many

    local the Soka Gakkai members and Shoppimg mall peoples).

    Purpose for applied to the trap (assassination and disease).


    Case Study:
    a) Kobe general of the Japanese has not get marry to Burakumin.

        Ask the credit bureaus to the father, Ex-Wife of the background check but the was carried out no

        problem and of the fact, but results were obtained Nagata Ward, Kobe Burakumin (arson by Small

        shop of the family) and Kobe City Board of Education members

        (Yamaguchi-gumi Burakumin) and in cooperation with Apple Japan officials (Kobe faculty Education),

        my property (Forest, mountains, temples, etc.) by embezzlement, and has been run attempt the



        They, Takumi to plot the assassination of local voters (local governments and lawyers and company

        executives and police station), there is a habit that "good people" replaced with Burakumin, its

        teamed up by the local governments and Medicine University Burakumin organizations for me to

        carry out the re-crime to stolen my personal property (land property).


4. Perfect utilizing the method to approaching launch a crime in a way that is pretending to nature (see brain device information).
By using the orientation information of the brain device, to disguise a person's encounter.
It has stored the personal information that is targeted at the data center of NTT and TIS, criminal groups on the Internet can be monitored in real time use.


For example, the person who attached the brain device "Today, let's go! to the bookstore" is displayed on the criminal side is just appered character.

This is converted to a character on the monitor within the unconscious to "bookstore of place" in the "Let's go to the bookstore in Junk Bookstore (Sanpal shop), Sannomiya, Kobe city" in human nature.


Case Study:
Kobe crime group (Burakumin) takes advantage of this, is fed a beautiful and glamorous woman (Burakumin) to the bookstore in arrival time, and talk wuth the guise of nature.
(After marriage, assassination) the married Korean woman of criminal groups also some cases to be bound by.

In addition has not use to do with the crime group directly,has use to the people for a third party is fit to target personal preference has causing the "action causing happen tp 3rd people naturally, the 3rd people to go to the bookstore for meet the target", it is possible to the secret crime more by so doing.


Behind the Crime scenario writer on the back of these crimes  in constant attendance, and has written the script, while looking at the individual-oriented information, it will always rewritten to the contents of the crime order to show the nature of the crime order to tie to the final assassination.



Jyodo-Shinshu, Korean-Japanese Burakumin's Characters.
Kyoto HQ.



1. 見方を嘘をついて殺すポリシーがある。
   a) 私の祖父(小学校教頭)が資産譲渡の阻止の為、大東和戦争で殺された可能性有.
   b) ベトナム戦争でベトナム兵を韓国兵が虐殺した事実。

2. 脳デバイスを子供の頃に取り付ける習慣がある。

    a) 脳神経を無線で障害を与え、障害児にしたり、体の各所に痛み、痒みを与え華僑医師に診断させ病気と思わせ暗殺する,1945年以降,目的は家族を含め苦境に立たせ、財産を横領.

3. 浄土真宗の祖先(女性及び男性)は韓国系乞食、盗賊であり、その現代版が部落民であり、美人を利用して、集団(多くは近くの創価学会員や商店街員)で罠(暗殺や病気)にかける習慣がある。

    a) 神戸の一般の日本人は部落民とは結婚をしない。 私は父に興信所に依頼して、Ex-Wifeの身元調査を実施したが問題ないとの結果を得たが実際には神戸市長田区部落民(放火地上げ専門で市場の家族)らが神戸市教育委員会のメンバー(山口組部落民)やApple Japan関係者(神戸市教員)と連携して、私の財産(山森、山、寺など)を横領して、暗殺を企て実行してきた。

4. 彼らは尽く、自然を装う方法(脳デバイス情報の参照)で接近して犯罪を仕掛ける方法を利用する。



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