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My Real Story in 1972.

Junior High School Age.


Hiroyuki UEOKA's father was early death, Kobe University Medical Sino-Doctors group.

UEOKA aggression group had still broadcasting me on my brain device for keep thier stealing bid-ringing with Hainan Island , Yukiyasu YAMAMOTO and Taiwan and Korean Woman group now from Kobe city,


don't fake by them!!

Akinari YASUDA had still engaging in Hyogo lawmakers group in Kobe city now. 

but his son death in 1980s to seen.

I heard from my junior high school friend

that Ikuo YASUDA become Kobe city YAKUZA with Tatoo on his sholder and kill by other Yakuza or Kobe city group.

Always Ikuo YASUDA had bullied with Work of professional wrestling by Yukiyasu YAMAMOTO (Hainan Island Gang group) same as Jyoji MAEDA group, Nanjing ,China ethnic chinese.


Eiji ISHIDA family is runs Boiler sales shop in Chuo ward, Kobe city, customer was Coin Bath and Soapland (turky bath by girl) in Fukuhara, Kobe city. Atsuko TOYAMA

Ms.Migira, Japanese Language teacher of my class of Kusunoki Junior High School in she had recommended "Child Play diary" book written by Swedish translate to Japanese.
Her concerned, Shinzo ABE concerned to seen.
india-Japanese peoples like face,
frank, clear talk, don't like black humor,

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