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Nov, 16, 2014 updated.


Attached article about a person involved in the IUCHI family, property embezzlement and murder.
Contents described here is its central figure of Kobe Soka Gakkai of Burakumim and the politician, or other stakeholders, how to stolen IUCHI family property embezzlement murder crime (mountain, forest, land) are involved other parties.

Kobe Yamaguchi-gumi crime people from overseas Chinese organizations and ban the describes relationship between North Korean aggression approach and broadcast media.
Soka Gakkai members are Same as Yamaguchi-gumi Crime Syndicate with ethnic Chinese doctor group in Kobe and other country.

We must execute them by the criminal code, soon.

Due to the espionage case be captive in North Korea is almost all Korean-Japanese Spy, that isn't ordinary people.



Nov, 16, 2014 updated.


Attached article about a person involved in the IUCHI family, property embezzlement and murder.
Contents described here is its central figure of Kobe Soka Gakkai of Burakumim and the politician, or other stakeholders, how to stolen IUCHI family property embezzlement murder crime (mountain, forest, land) are involved other parties.

Kobe Yamaguchi-gumi crime people from overseas Chinese organizations and ban the describes relationship between North Korean aggression approach and broadcast media.
Soka Gakkai members are Same as Yamaguchi-gumi Crime Syndicate with ethnic Chinese doctor group in Kobe and other country.

We must execute them by the criminal code, soon.

Due to the espionage case be captive in North Korea is almost all Korean-Japanese Spy, that isn't ordinary people.

(我现在会拼写检验, 警告, 有人经常远程更改)







附加篇文章涉及我的井内家庭, 财产挪用公款和谋杀的人。

这里描述的内容是神户创价学会的 部落民 和政治家或其他利益攸关者其中心人物,如何被盗的井内家庭财产挪用公款谋杀犯罪 (山, 林, 土地) 是涉及其他当事方。













我的父亲患有急性白血病,発病在 1987 年年底的一天。





神戸市部落民巧妙地制作了, 做疾病一般人民和杀死人可怜黑帮组织方式。


截至 12/1987年年底,我父亲有病的急性白血病以后辱骂我的母亲。




神戸部落民重叠骚扰行为对我的父亲的 生活环境与急性白血病,







1988 年 3 月,我的女儿出生去年6月在当时仍然是一个婴儿。










为什么在我面前急甚至认为它 !




















我想要问问所有的人,请合作我来执行他们的法律或外国秘密组织彻底给海外的中国医生和神户市, 部落民等在長田区的......(杀)



今天,神戸市長田区和兵庫区(购物街) 的部落民逃离罪恶而广播时大笑了起来在我的脳里的設備上。


永远不会原谅他们 !!!



最新的 Web 站点。


这就是为什么日本苹果電脳公司,Mr.稲田 (部落,京都人) 向矢野电器,他们 苹果電脳公司 家庭的瑞士金融相对,西欧政治集团介绍 Mr.Zulch 德国 DANTZ 软件吗?

1994年或1995年,我有,Mr. zulch CEO of Dantz 軟件公司在我矢野電器打工的時候交換名片。



林芳正, 自由民主党, 民主党前,




1995 年,这个各种经验,林芳正讲到矢野孝一, 矢野電器主催诗教育会議的前天,在神户酒厂。

林芳正説播放披,"头士乐队"的歌曲"Hey Jude"和"We're the world"左手吉他和歌曲和我奏鼓到转入 9000R 雅马哈鼓套載我的雪铁龙 Xantia上。


同一组的 三木谷浩史家族,林芳正的父亲是林义郎是日本中国友好协会和丸红关系。!criminal-accident-1959-1988/cjbl



应执行它们由刑法典 》 不久,背后小泉纯一郎家庭和抗战时期的中国政客(江沢民派)和公明党成员(華僑), 石井一, 吉本知之是現在兵库县当地副总督和新木宏之和三木谷浩史(楽天),高崎正弘(三井住友),樋口, TIS 和 丸紅公司和日本苹果公司和日经BP和 JAL(JIT)和 IBM 和日本宝冢前女星鳳蘭和松アキラ和扇千景和。



背后,山口組部落民(連携華僑医生)有傷害和殺人犯行和盗了井内家庭财产 (山, 林, 大规模的财产) 。



我的父亲有从满洲铁路工程师回到在神户市的家,然后我的父亲他需要住院治疗 6 个月与脊髓火焰由虚偽健康诊断在 1960 年代以前,脊柱注射给药,住院约6个月神户荒田町, 小原医院(現在也有)。

他船動機工程师的三井海運(大阪商船) 加入之前和神户制钢加入之前。


症状原因 ;



2)1960 年代后在德岛,

我叔叔的肺结核,德岛县的医生给了只有青霉素注射他那死与这种药在 1960 年代后在德岛县医院治疗。


症状原因 ;




我,2 岁的时候, 発生了太多水水泡在我头上,破碎后变成了干痂。


症状発生原因 ;

也許, 症状発生前, 旧类型的大脑正确植入装置安装。

旧类型的大脑正确植入装置 (扣电池) 攻击到颅神经。



当我于 1967 年在小学二年级时,

我有物资储藏设施在凑川棒球場附近,我的童年朋友一起玩,我有爬上水管(地上2m),電圧收到了脑神经攻击 (后面韩国日本人 PTA 小店主)。

我觉得命中角的管道,头皮撕裂和太多流血过多而我头部的皮肤,我的头缝了三针在神户吉田医院和伤口愈合3針, 3 个星期。


症状原因 ;

旧类型的大脑正确植入装置 (扣电池) 攻击到颅神经。


5)1967年或 1968年


神户荒田町的会田医生,有手术我在 1967年或 1968 年在会田耳鼻咽喉科(現在,東京移転)。

但我还是无法停止的咳嗽后第一次手术还,但 会田已经再次检查我,这一结果作为扩大扁桃腺,有与会者提出第二次手术。



症状原因 ;

旧类型的大脑正确植入装置 (扣电池) 攻击到颅神经。



我不能停止咳嗽症状持续异常,当我还在凑川小学四年级在 1969 年,1970 年,三分之一的年度期间病假, 关怀和照顾,五个年级请了病假在一年内,大约 90 天。



症状原因 ;

旧类型的大脑正确植入装置 (扣电池) 攻击到颅神经。




1970年,手术与台湾医生,我妈妈已经住院约6个月 1975 年 6 月在神户博愛医院手术与一様台湾医生,Dr.梁,住院约4个月在神户博愛医院那用后不能走了。




我的父亲已经溃烂到胃和化脓性阑尾炎切除的胃里有超过 50%,并注入血液 3 乱扔垃圾和缝卅39针及在神户 由井医院(現在有)住院约一个月,于1983 年。


症状原因 ;





我的症状感染轻度结核病在左肺,需要治疗 70 天的新的药物如"利福平"和"青霉素"注射液連続投与 7周(49天)不断和检验和 31 年的定期检验和发现没有问题。


症状原因 ;




我父亲的急性白血病,神户大学医生投与了抗癌注射液在 1987 年年底直到 1988 年 7 月 13 日在神户西医院。

我的父亲死在了重病和死亡在医院住院 7 个月后。


症状原因 ;







症状原因 ;



井内家族的亲戚因为上去家庭在德岛县和安部梢家庭在大分县、 所有的家庭都是友善对我,井内直系家属和安部梢和安部光子家庭.



我的叔母,和子上去 (娘家姓: 井内和子) 每天白天都眼睛断电了,然后得到手术她的眼睛从 1970 年在德岛县一家医院。



症状原因 ;



12)1970 年代,

我的大姐(表妹),安部梢前鹿岛建筑, 総務人員,

安部梢的淋巴腺的病在她的脖子,甲状腺腫瘍手术了在大分市一家医院住院 1970 年代的 2 个或 3 个月。









进一步更重要,我的友人,Mr.楠樹仁 已经离婚在神户市带来了住房, 他在工作中矢野电器有限公司,矢野孝一公司故意対他退休和困境。

然后 Mr.楠樹仁 已经离婚有儿子,搬到了东京。

楠樹仁 (1994年,1995年诗神户教育活动策划者)。


这个问题跟赤松敏行 (神户大学卒業後,苹果的程序员, 神户市政厅官员的民政事务处),和我们谈谈每次和其他音乐的主題。


山口組部落人,弱点的山口組兄弟公司,我的感觉他不能関与 KDDI 的犯罪关系却另创价学会的关注。




甚至对我在中国,香港特别行政区和改变 IT 公司工作平均一年,致力与招聘机构和雇主雇佣杀手工作。

故意失业超过 6 个月,忍受经济上陷入困境。


山口組兄弟公司,TIS的 千岁正树, 宫下昌平, 安宅尚司,小川真司,和丸紅已经売了多住房扩大犯罪集团在上海和其他中国地区的领地,他们想要传播中国的黑帮组织。


潜在高额的保险金谋杀在中国和安宅尚司(或現在,小川真司)负责任人是不会债务退款到消耗 TIS 香港DC和TISI上海的运营费用10億以上在过去的 10 年中。



TISI上海销售负责任人, ALEX张,(Taiwan(Father)-Japanese(mother), former DELL Dalian & Andersen Consulting Japan)TISI上海,没有,平均100,000人民元的生意在一个月。

只有,咨询一项目,奥林巴斯瘦客户端,整个中国 (70,0000 人民币,3 月)。


安宅尚司(或現在,小川真司)负责任人是不会债务退款的話, 负责人是TIS副社長,千岁正树或宫下昌平。

上海総務部,魏女子総務部,説了我 "TIS上海,15个人工資和100m2房費用運営費用+ Hardware purchase是700,000人民元在一个月",然后我説了"那么多!?,

我在深圳市的POLYASIA China的時候40,000人民元在一个月運営費用4个人工資和12m2房費用一起"包括我在内。




进一步在 香港特别行政区和 日本和中国的対我好的人,以及强迫退休。(竹中平蔵的謀略?他役員在PASONA 全球人力资源工作的梳理行政公司,自由民主党,也)


1.神户市,矢野电器, 日本的家伙,






前刀禎昭(愛知県,慶応義塾大学卒業)& 山元賢治(神戸市),原田泳幸,前日本苹果電脳公司犯罪集团相同: 部落。




我是1988年) 。


Ms.脇口早苗,大女儿与神户外语大学毕业 (英语文学),她加入到营销部于 1994 年,矢野电器她很快就加入矢野。



我听说过她的父母这种情况从在她的葬礼的地方,在平安祭典建立在明石市路线 175 号上到位.











她的家説那天晚上大约 8点下午,温柔的下着雨,

我看到了,脇口早苗是螺旋步上在,矢野電器C & E楼二楼,伊吹台東町.

我在同一层楼的 C & E 栋,他在二楼工作。







我几乎每天晚上没有都, 11午夜12有工作,工作的内容是编程和数据的备份,Linux 安全补丁了。

1997年有时候,我证实 BB 服务监视器通知失败 sendmail 服务器上我的 ericsson (T 39 日本 ntt docomo) 有午夜黑客攻击及防范,所以我再次去公司办公室为修复。

然后我证实 cisco 路由器記录,攻击来自中国全球地址(apnic)或与端口更改。

日本学术或 IIJ,如果日本地址可以确认的组织名称,我将报告送交了日本IPA机构。


2.香港特别行政区, 瑞穗证券: 香港人家伙工程师 (2002 年,强制退休)

经理: (我不知道,韩国-日本)


3.香港特别行政区, 日航 AVIONET,

日本人 IT 工程师 Mr.安達,已婚和香港女孩 (2003 年,强制退休)




机械部, Mr.Wen(前 IBM 中国, 中山大学毕业) (2005 年部队退休)

部長: 岸川荣(于东京大学毕业棒球俱乐部)。

在那个时候,服部洋子(三滝商事社長和丸红导师) 是瑞穗

银行公司役員,为瑞穗银行提供的内部IT 项目給到丸红公司总部

世界办公室 VOIP 以 2 亿日元丸红。

分包公司配备 NCR (花旗银行 ATM 和 IT 维护)在世界的工作基地。

深圳市和香港特别行政区是我的工作範囲和李超先生(北京人,日本人妻,日本丸红东京工作,北京精華大学) 等获得了检验工作 (声音 &传真 IP 测试),丸红利润是没有的因为服部洋子有圧力他们。


5.广州市 NTTCom IT 工程师,本地中国人,徐先生 (2005年部队退役),


部長: 李先生 (香港人) 説从事间谍活动在丸红




6.广州市花都区愛機汽车配件厂,IT 工程师,中国人、吴先生

家乡武汉 (2005 年,强制退休)

総経理: 三个人,三井公司有关。


* 3 和 4 强迫退休与我在同一时间。



来从 1994 年到矢野电器作为靶向的苹果教育市场 (大学生協在日本的大学) 由部落人在京都立命馆大学副教授蠕虫眼睛部落犯罪人 (在京都东本愿寺,西本愿寺) 在京都的历史与软件开发小组要求受资助的项目。

我考虑到在京都,京极购物街的部落人民的組織和音楽(Rock & Blues)組織。



我聴到这种情况在矢野内部部長会议于 1994 年,神户市西区大津和。







日本苹果電脳公司一面是 Mr.稲田,他的家乡在京都,似乎部落民。

这京都组织,前首席执行官 KYOSERA 稻盛和夫,日航与关系。


京都大学和大阪大学的形成恐怖集团入侵委任部落人居民 山口組在神户, 京都和大阪,然后覆盖与创价学会组织 ;



華僑 IT 人员的工作主要公共图书馆在 San Francisco 来自 San Francisco 唐人街图书馆还他们犯罪的担忧,黑客对外部黑客的支持。



我们必须杀死所有韩国日本部落人民,他们不能改变自己的心怀,让许多到犯罪的一代,不能停止犯罪否则他们死 !!




来从 1994 年到矢野电器作为靶向的苹果教育市场 (大学購買店在日本大学) 由部落人在京都立命馆大学副教授蠕虫眼睛部落犯罪人 (在京都东本愿寺和西本愿寺) 在京都的历史与软件开发小组要求受资助的项目。

考虑在京都,京极购物街的部落人民,包括1970 年代的韩国日本摇滚音乐家和蓝调音乐家。



我头这种情况在矢野内部经理会议于 1994 年,OTSUWA,神户市。







日本苹果電脳公司一面是 Mr.稲田,他的家乡在京都,似乎部落民。

这京都组织首席执行官 KYOSERA 前稻盛和夫日航与关系。


韓国系日本人部落民形成恐怖集团入侵委任部落人居民山口組在神户, 京都和大阪,然后重叠与创价学会组织 ;





仇恨组织从世界各地华侨组织以及 山口組部落人民 (宝冢集团) 必须得到消灭他们 !!






前宝冢演员,松晃,鳳蘭,扇千景,鸠山幸已经做过戏剧的男性角色不仅包括甲午 山口組黑帮组织真正的黑帮女将。田中真紀子和安倍昭恵也是。

因为老女人黑帮已有恐吓人民, 交换到儿童和使用妇女的犯罪用的钱。


永远不会原谅 !


我的母亲,井内テルエ 有住在神户市,"共同之苑"从 1997 年和其他小的护士回家北地区,神户市东滩区町。可能,2003年2 月 9 日的被火杀人机器 (得到保险大钱的火灾死亡) 或由中華民族医生的医学在这个养老院中杀害我的母亲,井内テルエ, 2003 年在神户市。这个护士家园王储夫妇,德仁 & 雅子于 1995 年访问了。


共同之苑 (Coop 神户超市管理 (三井住友),成立于 1995 年 8 月阪神 • 淡路大地震后:


我看见日本王子 (德仁,雅子) 的纪念照片来到共同之苑 dinnig 房间在共同社的董事会没有索诺本人的母亲没有索诺,神户市与我的女儿,夏希和前妻,和子我妈妈在日本共同社访问时。


在山达基的日本护士回家,后面有隐藏谋杀犯罪由神户 山口組部落人员和神户教师队伍, 日本苹果電脳公司关切与公共小市场部落民族中国医生残酷犯罪。


神户银行和太阳神户银行, 三井住友银行,所有破产银行的头作为正弘高崎和神户第一劝业银行 (现瑞穗实业银行) 和 山口組投资顾问,我个人财产挪用公款和家庭谋杀 三木谷浩史关注 !!


犯罪手法后两个银行, 员工, 银行行长和投资顾问有一种方式休钱借给租赁关切 山口組犯罪集团 (前宝冢收入的女演员和种族的中国医生和小商店部落集团及本地爵士乐音乐家已针对磨损的眼睛,対我的个人财产挪用公款和保险金,家庭谋杀现金挪用公款继续和已在犯罪与销毁证据这样的执行计划的过程中 !


大错了,如果他们认为这种罪行是成功 !这些男人和女人的犯罪内容,我们应该检查和讨论在世界公众舆论对执行他们对死亡有罪。


这里是同谋罪的主要罪魁祸首和,高崎正弘,借大量的钱从这些银行的放贷人列表作为 山口組岗, 南北朝鲜统一成员和日韩议员联盟和投资代表 三木谷浩史也 山口組歹徒公务哥哥实际上,高山 山口組关注 弘道会 老板儿子前银行职员,是众所周知的问题。




它应该是显而易见的兵库和德岛和大阪和京都和东京创价学会组织目前并不是有它们由 山口組兄弟公司作为控制金融部门主要是占据了日本韩国日本 山口組歹徒深深介入。




此外我搬来在该地区作为我国 香港特别行政区, 广州, 深圳, 大连, 上海和北京的一部分在十年左右。

我已经为它工作在梧州 (公民的附属玛),惠州 (与 BP 和保肝) 中国石化) 多呆几天。


山口組有区域和犯罪之间的关系取决于该区域对当地犯罪团伙的活动和针对我的财产,由韩国人归化日本和中国的归化日本 (中国医生 & 丸红公司员工) 在日本,歹徒。

韩国人归化清华大学, 北京大学和日本创价大学和上海财阀的花岗石犯罪。


我母亲去世,不登上2003年 2 月 9 日的详细 2003 在那个时候,清晨

有我的一些朋友呆在前者,孙女士在"天天鱼酒店"在深圳市,中国,星期六晚上到星期天,当我有工作在日航 AVIONET 香港直到 2003 年 3 月结束在日航 AVIONET Hong 位于太阳银行集团 香港广东建设。





我听话从家庭是孩子,妻子和她哥哥在天天鱼酒店的時候, 40 岁位居英俊的建筑工程师诚实的印象,他有认证的大学博士学位,成为设计总监在深圳市城建集团。





孙女士"她説在见面,她的弟弟在深圳的另一个假期在家里,他是已婚,有4-5 岁儿童,介绍我了,她的弟弟在深圳已经买家了,我们才吃饭她的弟弟家附近在烧烤店里"。


我学到我的母亲,那里死亡的第二天在 2003年2 月 10 日,3−4pm。


我的母亲死亡 我收到电话到我的手机上突然医生告诉我,"井内テルエ 死"则走在湾仔及铜锣湾的 香港特别行政区之间。




2003年1月在两周前,收到打来的电话"井内テルエ 健康状况是最糟糕的"从神户华侨华人医生 (神户大学医院?) 当我吃午饭的时间。

我有思维到 山口組的犯罪陷阱给我打电话。

我想到最后2000年,山口组犯罪,取血涂我的阿尔法罗密欧 145 的车再一次。


兵库县的犯罪手法 (我财产继承和挪用公款谋杀) 和我感觉到了,试图捕捉我与 Mr.森上,JAL AVIONET 为租用谋杀由我母亲的情况更糟的是",因为吉本知之和,高崎正弘, (三井住友银行) 宝冢女性群,我送到神户市。




可能因为我的电话号码是公开发表在 AVIONET 公司内部为外出到 AVIONET 香港客户的 IT 维护,Ms.森香苗 接待员 (出生于大阪,前三星电台湾) 和她的老板,弘诸上 (行政总监, 前日本自国防军队) 有到海外的中国医生告诉我的手机号码?


垰本勝司, 兵库县立成人病医疗中心的成人疾病,脑手术,副总经理。

一次我会发邮件给他的邮件地址 (BEXTUKOUAME,大阪) 从我 AVIONET 电子邮件帐户。




"你好吗,AVIONET 公司拥有配套日本企业的 IT 资源在香港特别行政区。"





井内 幸次郎

Kojiro IUCHI


AVIONET 香港股份有限公司。

手机: 852-xxx-xxxx (橙色移动)

电话: 852-xx-xxxx 传真: xxx-xxxxxx





收到的答复我它从垰本勝司,但我可以检查可以检查我的联系信息是英文字符,然而,它从技术上讲不能改变了 1 字节字符信息的页脚。


考虑这个把戏由垰本勝司 家族 (佐川満男,老日本流行歌手) 説与兵库县县立医疗中心的老板,Mr.松井豊 三木谷浩史法中的大哥哥,他们都试图陷害为 井内 直接的家人包括我的妈妈用一次枪击犯罪方法想两只鸟要杀了我母亲的护士回家然后杀了我与隐藏在神户市2003年然后他们被偷了我的个人土地产权完全。


A 类有组织犯罪,必须执行它们由刑法典 》 !!


我的母亲,井内テルエ 説坚持变电无内脏器官疾病,从来没有超过 80 岁。





严重急性呼吸系统综合症病毒感染病例在从 2002 年开始直到结束的 2003 年,香港特别行政区的情况下,在那次 香港特别行政区 (OBI参与吗?)。


香港严重急性呼吸系统综合症 (繁体中文):


加入了日航 AVIONET 香港特别行政区 (日本航线资本)in 2002 年 5 月,我的老板是弘诸上,合作与吉本知之的犯罪 (创价学会, 兵库县公共业务管理员 (赌博, 性别, 公共市场管理员, 山口組犯罪集团),他原打算杀了我妈妈和我在那个时候,有刑事工作销售行政,Mr.尾崎 和部落人民 et al。


可以在日航 AVIONET 的短期内工作中,Mr.尾崎 已经去神户市出差。

我看到,证实了他的"神户 BT"share360 AVIONET 调度系统的计划。

在那之后 Mr.森上浩年 会面日航人们关注在中国北京。

Mr.森上浩年 已经他遇见了日航人们关注或 香港沙田的朋友。

我确认那 森上 计划在 AVIONET 调度系统。





在 2002 年,香港的風月堂 (fugetsudo) 前的奶油泡芙。

沙田新城市广场第一期三楼, 393 商店, 香港。


Mrs.下村敏子,经营 & 投资"FUGETSUDO 風月堂日本餐厅"在香港,




我不知道她们是的时间只在我的童年,桂伸一的老奶奶已知"奶油酥饼"给了我在他家里在1970年,在神户60 年代的朋友。




另一个事情,我有的礼物 AVIONET 所有工作人员,当我工作时"FUGETSUDO 風月堂GOFLE"在 2002 年 5 月。



安倍晋三的妻子安倍昭惠, 森永也支持她们。


2002 年一天,Mr.尾崎 有告訴我日立 (JP1) 产品研讨会在深圳香格里拉酒店,我们应该去,然后我登上在九广铁路红磡站, 香港特别行政区,在大约 40 分钟抵达到深圳,中国。




黑人DJ流利粤语,去台球等,迪斯科舞厅, 卡拉 ok, 女人谈话,咖啡,啤酒 50 yuan(CNY),我去过那里有时,



我返回到宜必思酒店 香港从中国深圳,路上,尾崎,慢慢地跟我说话。"你最好不来深圳,是有不安全","那问题发生了有时"。


我以为,或有其他含义,逼退到神户市在 2003 年,明年为杀我 山口組与部落在神户市。

尾崎説了我, 新車, 日産Z(carlos gone) 的事,好想他想要一辆车,



2003 年,孙女士説見面了的弟弟妻子在中国深圳市, 被人追赶和攻击她损伤愈合 3 周由手肘,习惯她的手臂开始垂钓,用绷带包扎的肩膀。


尾崎有前往神户市,一旦我工作的时候在 AVIONET 香港特别行政区在今年 6 月,于 2002 年或 7 月开始。

见到 Mr.尾崎 收到请求从森上浩年 或 Mr.村林。

我和我财产挪用公款计划与矢野孝一,山口組部落矢野电,包括我的前妻和创价学会有关,Mr.尾崎 已经赚了一笔。


之后,吉本知之有来到 AVIONET 香 港公司 2002 年 7 月或 8 月,我有经理会议的桌面服务项目 (基地 IBM 日本) 与 AVIONET Mr.尾崎 和 Mr.Samsong 在会议室,突然 Mr.吉本知之 和 Mr.小泉新一,总统走进会议室,所以我们必须打破会议。

Mr.吉本知之传递他是我的名片,我和残断的左臂,Mr.小泉新一和我给我的名片他时没有决定的会议成员与 Mr.吉本知之。

然后 Mr.小泉新一告诉 Mr.尾崎,这是销售问题,我想参加这次会议,会议开始 Mr.吉本知之 与他们,很快就会走出房间。吉本知之有他 TIS 名片传递给 Mr.尾崎,Mr.尾崎,第一次会议是看过了他,Mr.尾崎 没有见过他在神户市当 Mr.尾崎 有 BT 神户。


吉本知之原因来到 AVIONET 香港。"吉本知之 TIS 已经不想支付搬迁费用到  鱼涌湾 KDDI I数据中心 香港特别行政区 I数据中心 尺寸收缩 20%","请支付外部搬迁成本的 50%"。

TIS 香港客户有其余只有 2 在香港小签约公司 2002 年在那段时间。

Mr.吉本知之 的要求如黑帮组织喜欢说等指控。


在那个时候,我不能承认吉本知之是前大师矶崎新町镇主席和索卡 gakki 户田大块领导在那个时候,目前吉本知之是兵库县副州长之一。


(这是神户机场施工开始之前,2002 年)。


TIS 服务 Co(I数据中心) 和 AVIONET香港公司只提供租赁合同之间的关系"两 42U 机架的"日经股票交易所系统运行 AVIONET香港公司有设立日本 stockstock 交换终端向 香港特别行政区投资者 (DBS,JP 摩根) 和个人经销商日本证券公司 (野村综合研究所, UFJ, 瑞穗, 大和, 冈) 和 Mr.TOGAWA 或 Mr.TOMURA。有经日経Quick公司替代操作服务按 AVIONET 香港有限公司


我是负责主要的日经指数日経Quick系统,由君北川的交接。大约 50 个人电脑终端管理,2,000,000 日元每终端每月的租金。

和日本公司站点故障 (兼松HKG, 兼松纺织, KingGym, 探究, JCB卡蒂姆-沙嘴, 鳳HKG,三, 牧田電動工具(Sha Tin) 和 Redhat LINUX + Postgresql 和性能 elvaluation 到 simulaous 终端使用调色板控制服务器核心安装 (NTT 数据群件) 评价 由meter(ftp, http)。



东京路由器(TOK PE): 日经东京证交所设备由日经指数Quick递。


香港路由器(HKG PE):

帧中继设备 & TIS 湾仔数据中心迁往  鱼涌湾 KDDI 数据中心在 2002年年底,由日航 AVIONET HKG 处理的维修服务中的路由器 & 调制解调器


初级线: 1.5M(T1) NTTCom 下调维护出租线通过帧中继


辅助线: KDDI 下调维护与 2 M (E1) 出租线通过帧中继


路由器: 思科 4000 × 2 (T1 + E1 int。),复式结构。

DTE 电缆: v35 主框 (FRAD 路由器)

调制解调器电缆: DB25 主要 box(FRAD-Modem)

调制解调器: 9.6 19.2 K x 用户



最后一英里线: 电讯盈科铜出租 (hkg PE no.−CE PE no.)

路由器: 思科 1600年/以太网 int。

调制解调器电缆: HDIv35 DB25

调制解调器: 9.6 19.2 K x 用户

PC 套 & 日経Quick证券交易所仿真器



再次,TIS I数据中心 客户

只有 jcb 卡和日航 AVIONET香港 (后面日经Quick),两家公司在 2002 年年底。

JCB 超级 (jcb 卡 POS 商户销售会员店在香港实业,AVIONET 香港向工作人员説对 JCB 信用卡服务器的管理,作为 IBMSuperServer (IBM 日本) JCB 香港特别行政区嵌入原始服务器 w/灭蚁灵 RAID。



一段情节,Mr.北川 有外部的 jcb 卡 monkok 的香港到 香港的新数据中心搬迁期间,Mr.北川 有由于故障 JCB 服务器启动搬迁完成后在新站点。


Mr.尾崎 告诉我 Mr.北川 混淆故障排除在新 JCB 站点,所以我们不得不等待 Mr.北川 行动在顶层的香港柏宁酒店,铜锣湾,Hong launge 等。


我建议通过 Mr.尾崎 Mr.北川,没有误插入硬盘插槽位置和正确通电顺序吗?,灭蚁灵 RAID 单位功率首先是正确比 IBM 超级主电源在 RAID 5 条带化模式。



Mr.北川 已经采取行动,JCB 日本工程师对现场问题的解决,重新安装所有系统的都要求。

24 小时停止 JCB 服务对香港 jcb 卡 POS 服务器之一最后。



我认为这个麻烦是由 TIS 或 IBM 日本 JCB 本身力麻烦。

进一步,NTT 数据有处理同一银行和信用卡系统开发外包服务与大连喜认为计算机技术公司 (新日本製铁投资) 的金融系统责任。


怎么样任何的关注对我的 JCB 信用卡拥有力量消耗在 1997年或 1998 年大阪江坂市钱吗?





不稳定的数据传输,我怀疑设置在思科催化剂开关电缆插座热 STANBY 设置进行物理条件,所以我有暗示给工程师瑞穗证券 HKG 作为 香港人,但它正常工作 HKG & TOK 路由器与执行 ping 命令确认将继续与包 reply(ms)。


见到东京侧麻烦或有时被困与已删除的 NW 电缆连接器的 TIS HKG 数据中心 的工程师。

我将那家伙的名字称为 Mr.荻野,大阪 TIS 服务有限公司 HKG 数据中心工作人员

因为 Mr.荻野 一直只有一个在香港湾仔 TIS 数据中心。

Mr.荻野 工作从 2010 年,已经改为天津 TIS 数据中心

我听到从 Mr.小林,TIS 销售人员,当他来到告诉我他工作地点开幕日期集的北京信息技术有限公司,天津 TIS


Mr.尾崎 工作人员编制由日航信息技术 (东京)。在当时,AVIONET香港公司,同样的员工 Mr.北川 是客户经理也从 JIT。在那个时候,Mr.村林,从残断的左臂听到导演本人是伊藤忠商事株式会社对日航被分配到日航 AVIONET 香港有限公司 Mr.小泉, 新任总统没有指定 Mr.村林,他是前日航飞行员。


再,谣言的 Mr.村林 一个日本的糖果商店明石康城市的儿子时,再想想,"魚之棚"是真的吗 !?如果属实,我可以说村林是 三木谷浩史的朋友,甚至更多可疑的明石城市是非常小市明石市民有购物同一个购物商场协会,中心市场风格及 魚之棚公众街市也。下村敏子, Fugetsudo 也。


有神户 山口組部落人民的有组织犯罪。






Nov, 16, 2014.


Global Journalist.


Attached article about a person involved in the IUCHI family, property embezzlement and murder.
Contents described here is its central figure of Kobe Soka Gakkai of Burakumim and the politician, or other stakeholders, how to stolen IUCHI family property embezzlement murder crime (mountain, forest, land) are involved other parties.

Kobe Yamaguchi-gumi crime people from overseas Chinese organizations and ban the describes relationship between North Korean aggression approach and broadcast media.
Soka Gakkai members are Same as Yamaguchi-gumi Crime Syndicate with ethnic Chinese doctor group in Kobe and other country.

We must execute them by the criminal code, soon.

Due to the espionage case be captive in North Korea is almost all Korean-Japanese Spy, that isn't ordinary people.




About my message to the world.


In order to ensure executed criminal doctors of Kobe's Burakumin and ethnic Chinese by law while I go told people around the world about the things my father suffered from acute leukemia especifically at end of 1987 the has written mail every day.


I can recognition easy blatant aspect for the facking medical examination and force keep paying the medical expenses for many years to Burakumin's licking,
finally occupying to I have the property inheritance rights available in civilian public truly.

Kobe's Burakumin has cleverly made sick the general peoples and kill the people miserable in the ways of the Yakuza organization.


At the end of Dec, 1987, my father had sick by acute leukemia and abusive to my mother.
I don't believed his behavior and my father does not seem so.
It maybe, after he appearing the disease and had daily attack by brain device at same time, so he have frustrating.

My father was liked Japanese Sweets as eat buns and had buying yourself.
Also My father sticking to the sweets shop, bought at certain stores, it has described in another article.
That a Japanese confectionery shop "KOFUKUDO" has locating in Hyogo-Ku, Otabi market as ex-wife's noodle shop before.


In March, 1988, my daughter was born last year was still a baby at that time.
My small salary had due to too late payment from TSUSHIN-SETSUBI Consultant Co, Kobe NTT West Dealer in OKAMOTO, Higashinada district, Kobe city.

(Behind Masahiro TAKASAKI, SUMITOMO MITSUI Bank and Hiroshi MIKITANI and Takashi Sasakawa, Ryoichi Sasakawa. )

One day, the doctor has called me from Kobe University medical, he will applying a large amounts of anti-cancer drugs later for possibility my father the death to must be explained.

One weekend, I went to see my father in the Kobe West city hospital , I go to my father's bed, suddenly my father has running the wheelchair with carring a box of sweets,then my father go into the room of his doctor front.
My father has force show me to present of Japanese Sweet for his intermediate doctor.

Even I listening to his talking to present Japanese sweets to bought himself had audibly off the deep end in strong voice coming bought by my "thank you".
My father, Passed, Japanese Sweet for his intermediate doctor as ethic Chinese.


Why my father the rush in front of me and I thought again!?
It's my father has can pass the sweets to the doctor even when I no stay in there.
My father has want to show me that sweet for gave the doctor.

Suspected, What my father want to tell to my father's intermediate doctor ,
I will interpret like this from my father's action.
My father, don't talk at face to face doctor acually.


"You dare eat this bun? "
"This bun is causes of acute leukemia! "
"Dung Chinese doctor cortex, and crime cooperation Street shop"
"Remember, be sure to retaliate."


Kobe Buraku people organization have plot of what disease applying other people while overseas Chinese doctors, medical expenses back tightening, when and how stabbing to insurance money back is always thinking.
how to become cash can take synthetic or occupy high by the medical Yakuza group.

Please Imagine an impression by people around the world for all over this sentence and thought to be honest.

The thing I want to ask all people, Please cooperating me to execute them by in law or foreign covert organization thoroughly to Kobe overseas Chinese doctors and Nagata-Ku, Kobe city ,the Buraku people, etc.. (Kill) and take back my property with my daughter in Kobe city.


Today, Kobe Nagata-Ku (shopping street) and the Buraku people's galley laugh while trying to flee from sin while the broadcasting on my brain device.


Fully finished licking.

Never forgive them !!!

At this time, Completely we have to execute the crime peoples by the law.

Latest Web site.



That's why Apple Japan, Mr.INADA(Burakumin, kyoto people) had introduced Mr.Zulch, President of German DANTZ data backup software to YANO Electric, thier family country as Swiss financial relatives, West political group?
kept YAMAGUCHI GUMI,Burakumin Yakuza property!!

Yoshimasa HAYASHI ,Liberal democratic party, former democratic party,
He have many kind of experience in his young age , work in YAMAGUCHI Gas Co and then change to Elementaly school teacher and then he change job to Host club guy to call from Japan woman politician as Makiko TANAKA,She have gave too money to Yoshimasa Hayashi, and then He founding the company with Switzerland girl in Geneva, Switzerland.


Afterwards, that Switzerland girl has stolen the company funds and got away from safe and Masayoshi HAYASHI have return back to Tokyo, along with the buraku people had helping the hijacking Apple Japan with Yamaguchi-gumi company brothers and Japan teachers Union as all sino-Japanese makes terror organization after Masayoshi HAYASHI has enter politics to backup by Makiko TANAKA's woman crime bid-ringing and Katsuya OKADA former Japan Vice Prime Minister,sino-Japanese.


In 1995,Yoshimasa HAYASHI have spoke this reason to Takakazu YANO before night in YANO electric's POEM education event in Kobe Winery, and Yoshimasa HAYASHI had playing Beatles songs "Hey Jude" and "We are the wold" left-handed guitar and song, showing off and I played the drums to carried to the drum set of 9000R YAMAHA by my CITROEN Xantia estate.
At that time, I don't know Yoshimasa HAYASHI is members of organization of stolen the world and my property. That same group of Hiroshi MIKITANI, Yoshimasa HAYASHI's father is Yoshiro HAYASHI is China-Japan friendship association and MARUBENI concerns.



Should execute them by the criminal code soon,behind Junichiro KOIZUMI family and Sino-Japanese politician,Komeito ,Hajime ISHII, Tomoyuki YOSHIMOTO, Hyogo local Vice governor and Hiroyuki ARAKI and Hiroshi MIKITANI and Masahiro TAKASAKI, HIGUCHI,TIS and MARIBENI Corp and Apple Japan and NIKKEI and JAL(JIT) and IBM Japan and Takarazuka former actress especially.

Yamaguchi-gumi had sabotage IUCHI household property (mountain, forest, massive property) while the ethnic Chinese doctor had faking the medical examination with got surgery to Kotaro IUCHI direct family in Tokushima prefecture.


My father have returning to home in KOBE city from Manchuria railway engineer then he hospitalized 6 months with spinal cord flame by health diagnosis in 1960s before at Arata cho,Kobe OHARA hospital,
that before he joined Engine engineer of MITSUI Marine (Osaka Shosen) and joined before KOBE Steel also.


Cause of symptoms;
Foods injected the unknown virus (Manchuria korean−Japanese 731 military org) or
faking medical inspection.


My uncle's tuberculosis of the lungs, the doctor of Tokushima prefecture had gave only penicillin injection him to treatment after that death with the medicine in 1960s at Tokushima hospital.


When I was 2 years old, Generated too many water blisters on my head, After collapsing, turned into dried scab.


Cause of symptoms;
Old type Brain implant device(buckle battery) attack to Cranial nerve correctly.


When I was 2 years old, Generated too many water blisters on my head, After collapsing, turned into dried scab.


Cause of symptoms;
Old type Brain implant device(buckle battery) attack to Cranial nerve correctly.


I have playing with my childhood friends in material storage facilities set on the concrete pipes near the minatogawa baseball ground , I have climbing on the pipes, I received the cranial nerve attack (behind Korean-Japasene PTA of Small shop owner).
When I was second grade in 1967 at elementary school, I felt hit my head on the corner of pipes, scalp ripped and too much bleeding to my head skin,had sewed three stitches in Kobe YOSHIDA hospital and the wound heal 3 weeks.


Cause of symptoms;
Old type Brain implant device(buckle battery) attack to Cranial nerve correctly.


Symptoms, I can't stop to coughing when I was in third or second grade of elementary school, Dr.AIDA was diagnosed me with enlarged tonsils, were once forced to tonsils removal surgery and done.
Practitioner of Kobe Arata-Cho, had got surgery me in 1967 or 1968 AIDA Otolaryngology.
but I still can't stop the cough after first surgery also, but ADIDA had inspecting me again, that result as enlarged tonsils,suggestion was second surgery nessesaly.
but my parents was optimistic the result, so no surgery that.


Cause of symptoms;
Old type Brain implant device(buckle battery) attack to Cranial nerve correctly.


I couldn't stop the cough symptoms continued abnormally when I was in fourth grade of the minatogawa elementary school in 1969 and five grade in 1970, One-third of the annual period, concern and care, took sick leave with about 90 days within one years,
I have been attending with my mother or my father to the pediatrics of Ishii clinic.


Cause of symptoms;
Old type Brain implant device(buckle battery) attack to Cranial nerve correctly.


My mother's dislocation of the hip joint twice with Taiwanese Doctor,my mother had hospitalized with 6 months in 1970 and 1975 at KOBE Hakuai hospital after that walking disabled.


My father had fester to the stomach with suppurative appendicitis cutoff of the stomach more than 50% and injected blood 3 litters and had sewed thirty nine stitches and hospitalized about one month in 1983 at Kobe YUI hospital.


Cause of symptoms;
Brain implant device attack to Cranial nerve possibility.


Sympton I was infected light TB in left of lung, needed to tretreatment with 70 days with the new drug as the rifampicin and the penicillin injection with 49 days inspection continuously and 20 years periodical inspection, no problem found.

Cause of symptoms;
The foods inject the TB virus and crime concerning with Small shop burakumin and ex-wife's former boyfriend Hisashi MOTOZUKA, KODOKAI relatives.


My father's Acute leukemia, the kobe university doctor had gave the anticancer injection in end of 1987 until July 13th,1988 at Kobe nishi hospital.
My father death after 7 months hospitalized in hospital made on the seriously ill and the killed.

Cause of symptoms;
Japanese sweets include virus and former surgery suspected.


Further more, my daughter's brain injured and the body by brain implant device and thugs violence suspected in 1987 later at Kobe Palmore hospital.

Cause of symptoms;
Brain implant device attack to Cranial nerve correctly.

And IUCHI family's relatives as KAWAHARA family in Tokushima prefecture and ABE family in Oita prefecture, all IUCHI direct family and ABE family friendly for me.


My aunt, Kazuko KAWAHARA (maiden name: Kazuko IUCHI) had down the eyes power day by day and then had got surgery her eyes from 1970 at Tokushima Hospital.
and then but she couldn't improve the eyes power to be equant to the blind.


Cause of symptoms;
Brain implant device attack to Cranial nerve correctly.


My aunt,my big sister of law, Kozue ABE,former KASHIMA Construction worker,
Kozue ABE had And forced surgery on tumors in the lymph glands of the thyroid gland in her neck, had hospitalized 2 or 3 months in 1970s at Oita hospital.
Had sewed fifteen stitches at her heck.


Cause of symptom was deemed work-related stress.
Seems to Cause of symptoms;
Brain implant device attack to Cranial nerve correctly.!criminal-accident-1959-1988/cjbl



Force retired to my goods friends by Sino-Japanese or Kobe Burakumin.


Further more, my friends,Mr.Hitoshi KUSUKI (Jin KUSUKI) had brought the housing in Kobe city,he was working in Yano Electric Co, Takakazu Yano company had got deliberately stood him with retirement and predicament.
Then Mr.KUSUKI have divorced and moved to Tokyo.
Hitoshi KUSUKI was planner of 1994, 1995, POEM Kobe educational event ,he said "Tetsuo Yano can't understand anymore" always, he was saying bitches also.

I met Hitoshi KUSUKI in 2002 at Akasaka-Mitsuke ,Tokyo, I haven't met him from 1997.
When I Job seeking via IT Job agency in Tokyo.

And this issue was talking with three peoples as Toshiyuki AKAMATSU is Kobe University Almuni, Apple programmer,working the district office of Kobe City official, Computer Music he play with "Carl Stone in XEBEC (TOA musical) hall in Kobe port island" and we talk about music everytime.
but TOA Musical Instrument have partnership with TAKARAZUKA Reveu's SOUND Equipment, Yamaguchi-gumi's corporate brother.


The Yamaguchi-gumi burakumin people, corporate sibling feel to weaknesses for Yamaguchi-gumi could not make the crime relationship with KDDI, but it's other Soka Gakkai concerns. but KODOKAI's thugs has try to attacking and crime use to Masaaki YAMANAKA (president of hoster JP,Tokyo and his hometown same Mie prefecture as Yoko Hattri) ,former engineering staff of satellite communication (brain device use ) of KDDI by threatening words, ASAOKA.


Even for me in China, Hong Kong S.A.R. flat and change the IT companies on average one year, has committed employment killer work with recruitment agencies and employers after that force retired in short time, Deliberately to unemployed more than 6 months, stand economically beleaguered to personal and then Yamaguchi-gumi has get murder.


TIS Yamaguchi-gumi company brothers, Masaki CHITOSE, Shohei MIYASHITA , SHOJI ATAKA, Shinji OGAWA has had brought many housing for expand crime syndicate teritory in Shanghai and other area, they want to spread the Yakuza organization in China.
Potentially up to the high amount of insurance money murder and Shoji Ataka negative responsible person as debt refund to consumed TIS Hong Kong and Shanghai operation expense at the past 10 years, lent a cash and crime cooperation with Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation in Shanghai.

Further along with my good people in Hong Kong S.A.R. and Japan and China, force retired. (by Heizo TAKENAKA's plot!? Executive of PASONA Global HR Job arrengement companies, Liberal Democratic party, Hajime ISHII also)


1.Kobe city,YANO ELECTRIC, Japanese Guy,
Mr.Hitoshi KUSUKI(1997,force retired ).
Ms.Sanae WAKIGUCHI(1998 or 1999 death retired).

Manager: Testsuo YANO(Violent jealous guy),

Yoshiaki SAKITO & Kenji YAMAMOTO same Apple Japan crime group with Burakumin.
his thugs is Tomoyuki INAYAMA(former Japan Cabinet library work).


Ms.Sanae WAKIGUCHI,the eldest daughter and Kobe foreign language University
graduated (English Literature),She joined to Marketing Dept in 1994, Yano electric.
She have epilepsy,Yamaguchi-gumi Burakumin had caused the attack once and then
she down in YANO Electric when she joined Yano soon and had the attack again
after 3-4 years in the bathroom of the House and died.
I heard that situation from her's parents at her funeral place in heiansaiten ,Nishi
district,Kobe city, but it wonder to relocation the heian saiten other place and
building up the AEON market in former place on route 175.
But I wonder her family religion is "KYOYO Jyodo shinshu" to confirmed at
Funeral vigil ,same religion as Burakumin.
Is considered murder by Brain Device remotely.
She get ride on my car,alfa romeo for I send her home sometime.
Her home had run the small Panasonic shop in near YANO Electric.

2.Hong Kong S.A.R. Mizuho Securities,

Hong Kong Guy IT Engineer (2002, force retired)

Manager: (I don't know, Korean- Japanese)


3.Hong Kong S.A.R. JAL AVIONET,
Japanese IT engineer Mr.ADACHI, married with Hong Kong girl(2003, force retired).

Managing Director: Hirotoshi MORIGAMI( Now ARINC, Rockwell Collins)

4.Guangzhou, MARUBENI Trading
Machinery Dept, Mr.Wen(former IBM china, Zhonshan University Graduated)(2005
force retired),

Manager: Sakae KISHIKAWA (baseball club graduated in Tokyo University).
At that time, Yoko Hattori (President MITAKI MC and Superviser of MARUBENI) was Director of Mizuho
Bank Corporate offered to Marubeni Corp HQ for Mizuho Bank's internal
IT projects WORLD WIDE OFFICE (VOIP) with 200 million JPY Marubeni.
Subcontractor appointed NCR (CITI Bank ATM and IT Maintenance) with
work bases in the world.
Shenzhen and Hong Kong S.A.R. is me and Mr.Li Chao(Beijing chinese-naturalize
Japanese, MARUBENI Tokyo work) and etc had got the inspection work (Voice &
Fax IP Testing),Marubeni profit is almost none, because Yoko Hattori had plessure

5. Guangzhou, NTTCom IT engineer,

Native Chinese Mr. Tu (2005 force retired).,

after that he visited to studied in England with his girlfriend.

Director: Mr.Raymond Li (Hong Kong S.A.R. people)

Mr.Li had spying the contents of MARUBENI
Guangzhou Mail Server sometime, when I working in MARUBENI Guangzhou,
camouflage by periodic maintenance for the server.

6. Guangzhou huadu, AIKI auto parts factory,

IT engineers, Native Chinese Mr.Wu
hometown Wuhan(2005, force retired)

President: three peoples, Mitsui Co concerns.


* 3 and 4 forced retired with me at same time.




In Apple Third party ,Yano Electric Co, Kobe city.

French crime cooperatives.

Came ask funded projects since 1994 to Yano electric as targeted Apple's education market (Japan University co-op) by the group of Burakumin people in Kyoto, Ritsumeikan University associate professor worm eyes to develop software with the history of the burakumin crime people (Honganji Temple in Kyoto) in Kyoto.
Considered the party of the shopping street buraku peoples in Kyoto, Kyogoku.

Tetsuo Yano, Okayama city burakumin people talk to his big brother Takakazu Yano, this consultation and according to software development funding.

I head that situation at YANO internal Manager meeting in 1994, OTSUWA ,KOBE city.

The name of the software is "cosmology of Kyoto".

Yano electric has exhibisit Apple event as Apple Expo in makuhari, Tokyo.
via orchestrated the award at the announcement of France's Apple computer software works awards was commended.


Apple Japan side is Mr.INADA, his hometown in Kyoto, seems burakumin.

This Kyoto organization relationship with Kazuo INAMORI,former KYOSERA CEO, JAL.

Dojidai formed terrorist group invading to appointed Burakumin people inhabitant Yamaguchi-gumi in Kobe, Kyoto and Osaka, then overlay with Soka Gakkai organization;

Which group cause after this crime to target my property embezzlement and children indiscriminately and environmental terror action behind SUMITOMO MITSUI zaibatsu and Manzhouguo militant peoples in Ashiya and other area.


Small episode:

Ethnic chinese IT STAFF of Main Public Library in San Francisco, came from Chinatown library in San Francisco also their crime concerns, hacking support for outside hacker.
My document has modified sometime from outside network and Mobil emergency line on Mobile network (at&t).


We must kill all of Korean-Japanese Burakumin peoples, they can’t change to their mind to keep many crime generation, can't stop crime otherwise their die !!

This is very important for keep and create new high level policy in the world !!
French crime cooperatives.

Came ask funded projects since 1994 to Yano electric as targeted Apple's education market (Japan University co-op) by the group of Burakumin people in Kyoto, Ritsumeikan University associate professor worm eyes to develop software with the history of the burakumin crime people (Honganji Temple in Kyoto) in Kyoto.
Considered the party of the shopping street buraku peoples in Kyoto, Kyogoku.

Tetsuo Yano, Okayama city burakumin people talk to his big brother Takakazu Yano, this consultation and according to software development funding.
I head that situation at YANO internal Manager meeting in 1994, OTSUWA ,KOBE city.


The name of the software is "cosmology of Kyoto".


Yano electric has exhibisit with "cosmology of Kyoto" in Apple event as Apple Expo in makuhari, Tokyo via orchestrated Apple US to the award at the announcement of France's Apple computer software works awards was commended.
That meaning is introduce of Japan Burakumin teacher's Crime network history and had promote the crime cooperation.


Apple Japan side is Mr.INADA, his hometown in Kyoto, seems burakumin.
This Kyoto organization relationship with Kazuo INAMORI,former KYOSERA CEO, JAL.

Dojidai formed terrorist group invading to appointed Burakumin people inhabitant Yamaguchi-gumi in Kobe, Kyoto and Osaka, then overlaying with Soka Gakkai organization;

Which group cause after this crime to target my property embezzlement and children indiscriminately and environmental terror action behind SUMITOMO MITSUI zaibatsu and Manzhouguo militant peoples in Ashiya and other area.


The hate organization from around the world as Overseas Chinese organizations and Yamaguchi-gumi Buraku peoples (Takarazuka Revue group) Must get wiped out them!!

One of them, they have got murder with hidden to killed public peoples, using biological weapons such as cranial nerve device and human bomb.


We need bury to the burakumin family to the peoples of stolen territorial property and the money.

Former Takarazuka Revue actress, Akira MATSU, Lan OTORI, Chikage OGI, Miyuki HATOYAMA has had plays male roles who only consist Sino-Japanese Yamaguchi-gumi gangster tissues real readers.

Because of old woman Yakuza has had intimidation to a peoples and had exchange to money with the crime use of children and a women.
In crime groups with handsome guys and sports guys and have skills guys and woman for the architect of the criminal execution and cajoled to like that politicians and business man while got the heinous crime by Korea-Japanese and Chinese-Japanese group concerns.
Never forgive!



My mother, Terue IUCHI have staying in Higashinada-ku, Kobe-city, "Kyodo no Sono" from 1997 and other small nurse home in Kita district, Kobe city. My mother, Terue IUCHI was killed in this nursing home by the fire killing machine (fire death for get big insurance money) or medicine by ethnic Doctor in Feb of 9th,2003 at Kobe city. This nurse home is Crown Prince couple, Naruhito & Masako visited in 1995.

Kyodo no Sono (Coop KOBE supermarket managed (Sumitomo Mitsui), established in August ,1995 after Hanshin


Awaji great earthquake:


I saw the memorial photo of Japan Prince (Naruhito, Masako) visited to Kyodo No Sono on the board of dinnig room in Kyodo no Sono when I mother visited to my mother in Kyodo no Sono, Kobe city with my daughter,Natsuki and ex-wife, Kazuko.

Behind Scientology of Japan nurse home, has hiding murder crime by Kobe Yamaguchi-Gumi Burakumin staff and ethnic Chinese Doctor’s brutal criminal crime with Kobe teacher group, Apple Japan concerns and public small market burakumin.

Kobe Bank and Taiyo Kobe Bank, Sumitomo Mitsui Banking, all of bankrupt bank of head as Masahiro TAKASAKI and Kobe diichi kangyo Bank (now Mizuho Bank) and Yamaguchi-gumi investment advisor, Hiroshi MIKITANI concerns for my personal property embezzlement and family murder!!

Criminal modus operandi after two bank employees, Bank head and investment adviser got a way to lent hugh money to Yamaguchi-gumi crime syndicate as rental concerns( former Takarazuka Revenue actress and ethnic Chinese doctors and small shop burakumin group and local Jazz musician has targeted to worn eyes for my personal property embezzlement and family murder for insurance money, cash embezzlement continued and has during the execution plan of the crime with the destruction of evidence like this!

Big mistaken if they think this crime is successful! These guys and woman's crime contents, we should inspection and discuss in world public opinion for execute them to death guilty.

Here is main culprits of the crime of complicity and Masahiro Takasaki lent large amounts of money from these banks lent to people list as Yamaguchi-gumi gang, North-South Korean Unification members, and Japan-Korea parliamentarians Union and investment representative, Hiroshi MIKITANI also Yamaguchi-gumi gangsters corporate brother actually, the son of Yamaguchi-gumi concerns KODOKAI's boss, TAKAYAMA was former the bank clerk that was well known issue.

These crimes in community in Kobe city was complicit to this crime by the Buraku people of the Soka Gakkai.

It should be obvious that Hyogo and Tokushima and Osaka and Kyoto and Tokyo and Soka Gakkai organization is present and that have dominated Japan Korea-Japanese Yamaguchi-gumi gangsters deeply involved and have control them by Yamaguchi-gumi Corporate brothers as financial sector mainly.

Further it is clear to any relationship to personal hometown, were complicit in this crime .

Also I've moved in the area as a part of China's Hong Kong S.A.R., Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Dalian, Shanghai and Beijing in around ten years.
I have moved for IT work in Wuzhou (CITIZEN’s subsidiary MAL), Huizhou (SINOPEC(with BP and JGC)) stay a few days.

Yamaguchi-Gumi have relationship between region and crime depends on the region of activity to local gangs and had targeted my property by Koreans Naturalized Japanese and Chinese Naturalized Japanese (chinese doctor & Marubeni Co staff) in Japan, gangsters.
Koreans Naturalized Japanese has had conneting crime to Tinghua Univercity and Beijing University and Soka University and Shanghai zaibatsu.

The detail of my mother death, Not ascended in Feb of 9th, 2003 the early morning at that time,
I have stayed with former my girl friends, Ms.Sun in "Heaven heaven fishing hotel (Tian-Tian-Yu-Guan)" in Shenzhen city, China, Saturday night through Sunday when I have working in JAL AVIONET Hong Kong until end of March, 2003 in JAL AVIONET Hong located in SUN bank Group building of Wanchi, Hong Kong.

My friend, Ms.Sun had tell me that “Go to the dinner with her big brother in Shenzhen,China, he was working in design Department of the Shenzhen branch of the castle building construction (深圳市城建集团) at that time. (Now changed木头村建国大厦9号铺,罗湖区, 深圳市, 广东省, China ) at that time.

And her family, parents in the Hubei provincial as Wuhan.
And she is obedient from the family (the children, the wife and her big brother in heaven heaven fishing hotel was introduced, likeable 40 year-old ranked in the handsome architectural engineer an honest impression.
He have certificated a PhD at the University and became a design director in深圳市城建集团.

I had met him again, another day he had guide me with his sister, Ms.Sun for construction site in Shenzhen Exhibition Center construction site when it construction progress.

Also I have vsited to home of her young brother in another holiday in Shenzhen , he was married couple and have children (4-5 years old), former girl friend has introduced, he have purchased that home ,we had dinner at nearby stop, BBQ.

I learned of the death of my mother, there the next day at Feb of 10th, 2003 evening. When I backed in Prince Edward apartment ,Hong Kong S.A.R.

And when I have received phone call to my mobile phone suddenly from the medical doctor told me," Terue IUCHI was death" while I have walking between Wan Chai and Causeway bay in Hong Kong S.A.R..

YAMAGUCHI-gumi are killed my mother have gait disturbance in Kyodo No Sono, Nurse home ,Rokko Island to Japan Crown Prince visits available) .

Before two weeks ago, I have received phone call that "Terue IUCHI's health condition is worst" from the Kobe overseas Chinese of doctors (Kobe University Hospital!?) when I lunch time.
I have thinking to Yamaguchi-gumi's trap for call me.
I have imagined to last Yamaguchi-gumi's crime to paint the blood my car of Alfa Romeo 145 again.

For Hyogo Prefecture, criminal modus operandi (my property inheritance and embezzlement murder) and I felt it to try to trap me with Mr.MORIGAMI ,JAL AVIONET for hire murder by my mother's condition was worse", because Tomoyuki YOSHIMOTO and Masahiro TAKASAKI (Sumitomo Mitsui bank) and Takarazuka woman group had force send back me to Kobe city.

Which peoples informed my mobile number to ethnic Chinese Doctor in Kobe city!?

Possibly because my phone number was open published in AVIONET company internal for goes out to AVIONET hong kong customer for IT maintenance, Ms.Kanae MORI, receptionist (born in Osaka, former SAMSUNG Electric Taiwan) and her boss , Hirotoshi MOROGAMI (Managing Director, former Japan Self Defence Army) has had told my mobile number to overseas Chinese doctors!?

Katsushi TAOMOTO, Hyogo Prefectural Seijinbyo medical Center for adult diseases, brain surgery, Vice Manager.
Once I sent the mail to his mail address (BEXTUKOUAME, Osaka provider) from my AVIONET email account.

What I wrote in the email by Japanese character and one byte english for contact info.

"How are you , AVIONET companies has supporting to IT resources of Japanese companies in Hong Kong S.A.R. now.

Please ask me if you have previous Medical Reporting System development projects.

Kojiro Iuchi
Asistant Manager
AVIONET Hong Kong co ltd.
Mobile:852-xxx-xxxx (orange mobile)
Tel: 852-xx-xxxx Fax:xxx-xxxxxx

Reply me after sent, Katsushi TAOMOTO.
"The mail was garbled characters shown, I don't understand, what you said",

That answer received me from Katsushi TAOMOTO, But I could check the english charactor of my contact information can be checked, however, it can't changed 1 bytes character information of the footer technically.

Considered this trick by Katsushi TAOMOTO family (Mitsuo SAGAWA,old J-pop Singer) had consulted with the Hyogo Prefectural Medical Center boss, Mr.Yutaka Matsui ,big brother in law of Hiroshi MIKITANI, They have trying to trap for IUCHI direct family including my mother with one shooting to get two birds criminal method to kill my mother in nurse home and kill me with hidden in Kobe city ,2003 and then they stolen my personal land property completely.

There are Class A organization crime, must execute them by the criminal code!!

My mother, Terue IUCHI had keep to health, without internal organs disease, has never been more than 80 years.
And my mother has spoke "only gait disturbance" to everyone ,she belived Soka Gakkai religious screwy was deep guilty something .

But it actually, Yamaguchi-gumi and ethnic Chinese doctor group had used my mother's mental images for use the crime to get more money, fake surgery twice and make walk disabled for get damage my family economically.

SARS virus infection case in from the end of 2002 until the beginning of 2003, Hong Kong S.A.R. circumstances at that time Hong Kong S.A.R. (OBI involvement? ) .

SARS HONG KONG (traditional chinese):…/20130218-%E9%A6%99%E6%B8%af%E2%…

I joined JAL AVIONET Hong Kong S.A.R. (Japan Air Line capital )in May 2002, my boss was Hirotoshi MOROGAMI, have cooperated crime with Tomoyuki Yoshimoto (Soka Gakkai, Hyogo Prefecture public business administrator (gambling, sex, public market administrator, Yamaguchi-gumi crime syndicate ), he made plans to kill my mother and me at that time, had criminal work with sales executive ,Mr.Ozaki and Kobe burakumin peoples et al.

After I have working at JAL AVIONET shortly, Mr.Ozaki had went to Kobe city for business trip. Mr.Hirotoshi MORIGAMI have request him seen, I confirmed his schedule of "KOBE BT" on share360 AVIONET schedule system.
After that Mr.Hirotoshi MORIGAMI had met JAL people concerns in Beijing, China. And he met JAL people concerns or his friends in Sha Tin,Hong Kong.

I confirmed that MORIGAMI's schedule on AVIONET schedule system.
I had visiting to FUSETSUDO several times when I had visited Makita Power Tool in Sha-Tin, HONG KONG.

風月堂(fugetsudo,former cream puff) in 2002, hong kong. Sha Tin New Town Plaza phase III floor, 393 shops, hong kong.


Mrs.Toshiko SHIMOMURA had operating & invested "FUGETSUDO Japanese restaurant " in HONG KONG, 2002 and Hirotoshi MORIGAMI had met Toshiko Shimomura suspected here.
Chikage OGI and Lan Otori are her friends. I don't know they're friends that time just only known "cream puff" in my childhood, Shinichi KATSURA's grandmother had gave me in his Kobe home,1960s.
He is Aston Martin Racer now and the car magazine writer.

One another episode, I have present "FUGETSUDO GOFLE" to all staff of AVIONET when I work begin in May, 2002.

But they are foods terror group of ethnic chinese in Kobe city and the personal property stolen group.
Akie ABE, Shinzo ABE's wife, MORINAGA supported them also.

One day, Mr.OZAKI had expain me that Hitachi HISS (JP1) product seminars in Shangrila Hotel, Shenzhen, China,we should go there and then I boarded the KCR Hung Hom Station on the Hong Kong S.A.R., arrived in Shenzhen, China in about 40 minutes.
In the course of study through the subway ticket Hong Kong S.A.R. employment VISA because could pass between the border in a short time. Hong Kong S.A.R. people have the habit of spending the weekend in Shenzhen,China.

Black people fluent in Cantonese, goes to billiards, etc. golden age DJ (disco, karaoke, date talk), coffee, beer 50 yuan(CNY), I went there sometime.

On the way back to IBIS hotel Hong Kong from the Shenzhen ,China ,Ozaki spoke to me slowly. "You'd better not come to Shenzhen ,Public Security is risky","that problem problem happened sometime".
I imagined the Shenzhen police have too much attention and see around in front of shenzhen custom.
I thought or have other meaning, Ozaki had want to trap me for force back to Kobe city in next year 2003, for kill me with Yamaguchi-gumi and Burakumin in Kobe city.

In 2003, Ms.Sun had visiting to his brother alone in Shenzhen,China to through the custom of Shenzhen Luo Wu ,being chased and attack her injury heal 3 weeks by a elbow , her arms were fishing on the shoulder with a bandage.

Ozaki have traveling to Kobe city once when I had work began in AVIONET Hong Kong S.A.R. in June, 2002 or July.
Seen to Mr.Ozaki had received a request from Hirotoshi MORIGAMI or Mr.MURABAYASHI.
Mr.Ozaki has made a killing me and my property embezzlement plan with Takakazu Yano ,Yamaguchi-gumi Burakumin, Yano electric, including my Ex-wife and Soka Gakkai concerned.

Afterwards, Tomoyuki YOSHIMOTO have came to AVIONET Hong Kong Co in July, 2002 or August, I have manager meeing of Desktop Service Project (base on IBM Japan) with AVIONET Mr.Ozaki and Mr.Samsong in the meeting room, suddenly Mr.YOSHIMOTO and Mr.Shinichi KOIZUMI,President came into the meeting room, So we have to break the meeting.
Mr.Tomoyuki YOSHIMOTO had passing his TIS name card me and Ozaki and Mr.Shinichi KOIZUMI and I gave my name card him when no decided meeting members with Mr.Tomoyuki YOSHIMOTO.
And then Mr.Shinichi KOIZUMI tell Mr.Ozaki that this is Sales matter, I'd like to attend this meeting , meeting began with Mr.Tomoyuki YOSHIMOTO and them ,I have go out room soon. ,Tomoyuki YOSHIMOTO have his TIS name card passed to Mr.OZAKI So, I have seen him that first meeting with Mr.OZAKI and Mr.OZAKI has not met him in KOBE city when Mr.OZAKI have BT KOBE.

Reason of Tomoyuki Yoshimoto came to AVIONET hong kong. "YOSHIMOTO TIS has don't want to pay relocation expenses to Quarry Bay KDDI IDC Hong Kong S.A.R. for IDC sizes shrink for 20%","please pay 50% of external relocation cost".
TIS hong kong's customer has remains only 2 of company with small contract in Hong Kong, 2002 at that time.
Mr.YOSHIMOTO's requirements such as Yakuza organization like said that such as accusation.

At that time,I can't recognized Yoshimoto is former Arata-Cho town Chairman and Soka Gakki Large block leader at that time, Currently Yoshimoto is one of Vice Governor of Hyogo Prefecture.

(This is Kobe Airport construction began before that, in 2002).

About the relationship between TIS Service Co(IDC) and AVIONET Hong Kong Co only offered rental contract "Two of 42U Rack" for Nikkei stock exchange system operation AVIONET Hong Kong Co have setting up the Japan stockstock exchange terminal to Hong Kong S.A.R. investors (DBS, JP Morgan) and personal dealer of Japanese securities Co (NRI,UFJ,MIZUHO,DAIWA,OKASAN) and Mr.TOGAWA or Mr.TOMURA. There are Nikkei Quick Company alternative operation service by AVIONET Hong Kong Co.

I'm main in-charge of NIKKEI QUICK system, handover by Tomoo KITAGAWA. About 50 PCS terminal managed, 2,000,000 JPY per terminal MONTHLY RENT.
and on site trouble shooting for Japanese company (KANEMATSU HKG, KANEMATSU Textile KingGym, UOI, JCB Tim-Sha-Tsui, Otori HKG, Threebond, Makita Power Tool(Sha Tin) and CORE MOUNT (NTT DATA GROUPWARE) evaluations on Redhat LINUX + Postgresql and Performance evaluation to Palette Control Server with simulaous terminal using Jmeter(ftp, http).

Maintenance Data Center Equipment below.
Tokyo PE: NIKKEI TOKYO STOCK EXCHANGE equipment by Nikkei Quick handing.
FRAME RELAY device & Router & Modem in TIS Wanchai DC relocation to Quarry Bay KDDI DC in end of 2002, Maintenance Service handling by JAL AVIONET HKG.

Primary Line : NTTCom IPLC Maintenance with 1.5M(T1) Leased line by Frame Relay
Secondary Line: KDDI IPLC Maintenance with 2M (E1) Leased line by Frame Relay
Routers : Cisco 4000 x2 (T1 + E1 int.), duplex structure.
DTE cable: v35-main box (FRAD-Router)
Modem cable: DB25-main box(FRAD-Modem)
Modem: 9.6-19.2 K x User
Last mile LINE: PCCW Copper leased (hkg PE no.−CE no.)
Routers : Cisco 1600/Ethernet int.
Modem cable: HDIv35-DB25
Modem: 9.6-19.2 K x User
PC set & Quick Stock Exchange Emulator

TIS IDC customers again,
Only JCB and JAL AVIONET Hong Kong ( behind NIKKEI QUICK), two of companies in End of 2002.
JCB SuperServer (JCB POS merchant sales member shop in Hong Kong, AVIONET hong kong NE Staff had management for JCB credit card server as IBMSuperServer(IBM Japan original server w/Mirex RAID embedded in JCB Hong Kong S.A.R..

One episode, Mr.KITAGAWA have during the external relocation of JCB monkok of Hong Kong to new data center in Hong Kong, Mr.KITAGAWA have due to trouble of JCB server startup after relocation complete at new site.

Mr.OZAKI had told me that Mr.KITAGAWA confused trouble shooting at new JCB site, So we have to waiting Mr.KITAGAWA's action waiting in upper floor launge of the Park Lane Hotel ,Causeway bay, Hong Kong.

I suggested to Mr.Kitagawa via Mr.OZAKI that no mis-inserted the hard disk drive slot location and is Power on sequence correctly?, Mirex RAID Unit Power first is correct than IBM SuperServer's Main Power On in Striping mode such as RAID 5.
all spin up sound is correctly? after that Power on to the computer.

Mr.Kitagawa had took action to requested for JCB Japan engineer on site trouble shooting, reinstall all of system.
With 24 hours Stop JCB Service on one of JCB POS Server in Hong Kong finally.
Mr.HIROTA as JCB HKG Representative.

I have considered this trouble is force trouble by TIS or IBM Japan or JCB itself.
Further more, NTT DATA have handling the financial systems duty in same banking and credit card system development outsourcing with Dalian Hi Think computer technology Corp(New Japan steel invested ).

how about any concern to my JCB Credit Card has force consuming the money in Esaka city,Osaka in 1997 or 1998?

Job sabotage harassment for me.
Can't came up the synchronous data only MIZUHO Securities from NIKKEI tokyo server sometime.
Unstable data transfer, I suspected setting up condition physically on Cisco catalyst Switch cable socket for HOT STANBY setting, So I had suggesting to the engineer of MIZUHO Securities HKG as Hong Kong guy, but it normal working HKG & TOK routers confirmed with pinging continue with the packet reply(ms).

Seen to Tokyo side trouble or TIS HKG DC's engineer trapped with removed NW cable connector sometimes.
I known that guy name as Mr.OGINO, HKG DC staff of Osaka TIS Service Co.
Because Mr.OGINO had stayed only one in TIS DC,wanchai, HONG KONG.
Mr.OGINO have changed work to Tianjin TIS DC from 2010,
I heard his working location from Mr.Kobayashi, TIS sales staff when he came to informed me that Tianjin TIS opening date in SET Beijng Information technology Co.
Mr.Ozaki was staffing by JAL information technology (Tokyo). At that time, the same staff of AVIONET Hong Kong Co, Mr.Kitagawa was Account Manager also from the JIT. Heard from Ozaki at that time, Mr.Murabayashi, Director is from ITOCHU Corporation to JAL was assigned to JAL AVIONET Hong Kong Co, Mr.Koizumi, new President had specifying Mr.MURABAYASHI and he is former JAL pilot.

Thinking again, rumors of Mr.Murabayashi is son of a Japanese confectionery shop Akashi city, "Uono-Tana" is it true! ? If true,I can said Murabayashi is Hiroshi Mikitani's friends, Even more suspicious in Akashi city is very small the city, Akashi peoples has shopping in Uono-Tana public markets and same Shopping Arcade Association ,Center Market style also. Toshiko SHIMOMURA, Fugetsudo also.

There are Kobe Yamaguchi-gumi burakumin people's organized crime.

Kojiro Iuchi
Current Address:
San Francisco, CA , USA.
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